This project documented existing conditions of one of several roadways sections scheduled to be used as access roads and haul routes by heavy trucks bringing equipment and materials to an adjacent worksite.
A custom roof rig for mounting a tape based SD camera with a feed into the van to a computer monitor. Driving approx. 15mph with flashing lights and hazard signs shooting progressive footage captures all tar fills, oil stains and surface conditions, and allows reasonably sharp screen captures.
We now shoot jobs with these requirements with a second 4K wide view camera, providing additional resolution as well as GPS tracking including elevations.
This includes a short sample from a vehicle mounted SD camera with typical descriptive audio and custom overlays including location, Road name and plotted path of survey section.
Camera hard mounted on rig over cargo van approx. 10ft over road surface.
Footage shot with vehicle maintaining approx. 10mph speed, shooting in progressive mode so all surface details retained and visible.
Mastered as uncut AVI file (archived with original tape). AVI file 118GB. Runtime approx. 76 minutes
Editing included syncing separately recorded audio (for clarity as camera microphone was outdoors and subject to wind noise).
Overlays added and adjustments to overall exposure, contrast, etc.
Delivered on DVD as narrated uncut video documentation of subject area.
As is our policy the client and their specific requests or requirements will not be included here.
However I can present samples of projects to show you what we do and some of the variation in the type of projects, subject properties covered and types of presentation.