All Footage includes a custom sitemap overlay with approximate camera position indicated.
Other Optional overlays available include:
Current Time (within Timezone of site) with confirmation with shots of GPS derived cell phone displayed time at beginning and end – this verifying the total runtime of the video.
Location Overlay to indicate Road Identities, City/Counties if applicable.
Direction of view (E,S,W,N) or (E,SE,S,SW,W,NW,N,NE) direction by degrees is not currently available.
Date, Project Name,
Engineering or Plot references.
GPS derived map, elevation and current position may be available with some formats – HD – 2.7K – 4K
Media delivery options currently include DVD (SD), Blu-ray (HD) or hosted streaming media by Vimeo. All original materials retained by studio.
Some of these options may be included upon request, others, due to the additional time required may incur additional costs.